Sunday, January 31, 2016

John Carpenter Movie Club Part 1 - Big Trouble in Little China

In this episode, we talk about John Carpenter's masterpiece of a film - Big Trouble in Little China. 
Matt and I talk about the problems and what we love about the movie.
Let us know what you think - 11telegram@gmail

Monday, January 4, 2016

Her - the movie by Spike Jonze - review

Yes, the most inelegant movie to refer to. "Her", by Spike Jonze. Starring Juaquin Phoenix and the voice of Scarlett Johansson.

In this episode, we have a guest host- Stephanie the librarian. We talk at length about the movie and also talk about online dating, the uncanny valley, and weird psychological things cute robots do to us.

Shoot us an email if you want to tell us how we did. Send something in so I can read it on the next episode.

Coen Brothers Movie Club Part 4 - Barton Fink

We've reached the fourth installment of the Coen Brothers Movie Club. Barton Fink. What a weird, crazy fever dream of a movie. After I saw this movie for the first time in my twenties, I created a Livejournal blog or three with some iteration of "The Life of the Mind".  I'm glad there aren't physical garbage heaps full of the failed blogs we all create. I think if that existed, we'd be living in that post-apocalyptic nightmare that Wall-E is stuck on at the beginning of the movie.

Here's the episode. Let us know what you think, and we'll try to read the comments on the podcast next time.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Coen Brothers Movie Club Part 3 - Miller's Crossing

In this episode, Bill and I review Miller's Crossing. Hats, dames, tommy guns, and all of that good stuff. Recorded sometime in October of 2014, published January 2015.